President’s Message on CVARC Holiday Party

Dear CVARC Members and Friends,

As everyone knows, we have had a difficult last two years with all the COVID-19 issues and the resulting problems.

We tried to plan a fun CVARC Holiday Party as we have done for the past several years.  It is a great time to get together and share our friendships in person and not over our radios.  Unfortunately, we are not over all these issues yet, and a majority of members are not ready to be part of the CVARC Holiday Party.  I am sure there are several reasons why.  I know some have been cooped up for too long and need to travel out of their caves, some have other commitments and some just think it is too soon to be inside with others.  So, I am sorry to say, we need to postpone our CVARC Holiday Party another year!

We hope to hear you on the radio and zooms!



CVARC Holiday Party Poll, Please Vote

If enough members are interested, it appears conditions will permit us to hold the annual CVARC Holiday Party.  The tentative plan is to hold the party on Thursday, December 16, 2021 at the Best Western Posada Royale, 1775 Madera Road in Simi Valley.  We’ll have the same menu we’ve enjoyed for the past few parties.  The ticket price remains the same, $27.50 per person.  We are close to a deadline for making a commitment to the hotel and it would help to get a rough count from members on how many would be attending.  Will you please respond to this poll as soon as possible.


Question: Do you plan attending the CVARC Holiday Party?

1. Yes, I will be attending alone.
2. Yes and I will be bring a guest.
3. No, I will not be attending

Vote Now

October Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software. Details on how to access the meeting are below.

Jason Oleham-KM4ACK

Topic Raspberry Pi For Ham Radio: Jason Oleham-KM4ACK is a fan of the Raspberry Pi – that amazing open-source, single-board computer that’s being incorporated in many ham projects.  Jason has found the Pi’s size and weight make it ideal for use in portable operation needed for his ham radio passion, emergency communication. 

Continue reading “October Club Meeting”

CVARC Mini Field Day

The 2021 CVARC Mini-Field Day will be held on October 9th from 11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. at Dos Vientos Park in Newbury Park.  (4801 Borchard Road, Newbury Park, CA 91320)

CVARC will provide lunch.

Mini-Field Day is an opportunity to break out your Field Day gear, test it and make sure you’re prepared for the next ARRL Field Day, which will be held June 24-26, 2022 – just 39 weeks from today (save the date!)

It’s also a social event where we can gather with like-minded Hams and enjoy a pleasant afternoon in the park.

See you there!

Martin, AJ6CL


President’s Message

Brad Ormsby-W6VO

I hope everyone who got to attend the CVARC Picnic in August had a fun and enjoyable time.  Our thanks go out to Martin Hickey-AJ6CL for organizing the event and Mike Felio-KM6EII for providing the great food and drinks.  Mark your calendars for a “bigger repeat”, October 9th for our Mini Field Day.

CVARC BOARD:  Your Board is in the process of putting together a Slate of Offices for next year.  If you have an interest in participating or know of someone that might want to be involved, please contact one of our Board members.

Continue reading “President’s Message”

Silent Key Picnic Set For September 4

Saturday September 4th is the first annual Silent Key Picnic put on by the people behind the BORED Net.

Ventura County is lucky to have such a large ham radio community that extends beyond all of our clubs and organizations. Whenever someone is lost, it affects the entire community, not just those people who were closest. Over the last year and a half, the BORED Net has turned into a touching point for all the hams in the county, so it seemed like it would be a good fit if we were to organize an annual event where we could gather and remember those who aren’t with us any longer. This isn’t intended to be a traditional memorial. Instead, it will be a chance to tell stories, remember friends, and spend some time with our larger county-wide community.

Continue reading “Silent Key Picnic Set For September 4”

September Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, September 16, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software. Details on how to access the meeting are below.

Clint Bradford-K6LCS

Topic How to Work Amateur Satellites With Your HT: Clint Bradford-K6LCS will explain how you do not need 100W of transmit power or expensive antenna arrays to work the FM amateur satellites. Many hams already have the necessary equipment to “work the birds.” His presentation will walk you through A the steps needed to successfully work several ham satellites.

Continue reading “September Club Meeting”

President’s Message

Brad Ormsby-W6VO  

As we dance the Covid-19 and the Delta Variant we hope you stay safe and avoid the miseries of being sick. Unfortunately, we have had a few members that have not been so lucky. We wish them a speedy recovery on the road to feeling good again.

CVARC PICNIC: On August 28th we will be having our picnic at Dos Vientos Park.  Come out and play radio, eat great food and drink your favorite soft drink.

Continue reading “President’s Message”

CVARC Picnic Set for Saturday August 28

2020 CVARC event at Dos Vientos Park

The 2021 CVARC Picnic will be held on August 28th from 11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. at Dos Vientos Park at 4801 Borchard Road in Newbury Park. CVARC will provide burgers, hot dogs and buns.  Mike Felio our Social Coordinator will do the grilling.  We will bring everything else “pot-luck style.”  Bring your favorite picnic-style dish!

Continue reading “CVARC Picnic Set for Saturday August 28”