Thoughts on the CA QSO Party

AD6SF’s contacts plotted

By Stu Forman-AD6SF

I don’t consider myself a contester, but there are a few weekends each year that I let my family know that I plan to be unavailable.  Don’t include me in any plans, as I intend to hole myself up in the office for most, or all, of the weekend, leaving only to grab a quick bite or use the bathroom.  I might not come to bed, so don’t wait up.  I might not shower, so don’t get too close.  This was one of those weekends.   This past weekend was the California QSO Party.

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October Club Meeting Information

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software as we continue social distancing efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19. Details on how to access the meeting are below.

Bob Brehm-AK6R

Topic: RFI in the Shack: Bob Brehm-AK6R is Chief Engineer of Palomar Engineers , a company that specializes in helping hams deal with radio frequency interference. Bob will talk about the causes of RFI and how to reduce or eliminate it in your shack.  Bob has been a ham for over 50 years with experience in contesting, RTTY, amplitude modulation, vintage radio restoration, boat anchors, linear amps and unique antennas.

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ARRL September 2020 VHF Contest

6m 1/4 wave whip, 23cm handheld and rubber duck, 33cm handheld and rubber duck, 2m and 70cm tuned and shortened whip, 135cm 1/2 wave whip. These antennas were always used except for one 23cm contact.

By Pete Heins-N6ZE

The fourth of the major yearly VHF contests was held during the second weekend in September. I’d known for months that it would be significantly affected by the COVID-19 virus because multi-operator and two-person rover operations would be nearly impossible to achieve. Then high temperatures and dense, polluting smoke from the wildfires further inhibited the contest event.

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October 11 VE Session Cancelled

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we do not have access to the Community Room at the East County Sheriff’s Station and we have cancelled the October 11 VE session. It appears unlikely that we will have access to the room for the remainder of this year. Until we can resume in-person testing, please read the two links in the article below for instructions on how to take an on-line license exam.

Preparation Begins for DYFI “ShakeOut” Event October 17

Courtesy of Oliver Dully, K6OLI, District Emergency Coordinator for ARES LAX NE from his presentation made to Ventura County ACS/ARES in July.

“Did You Feel It? (DFYI)” is a collaboration between the USGS and amateur radio operators intended to use the skills and capabilities of hams to get messages regarding the intensity of earthquakes out to first responders. The DYFI event will be held on Saturday October 17th as part of the “Great California ShakeOut 2020” CVARC members wishing to participate in the event are invited to three preparation meetings to be held on Zoom:

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