CVARC “Virtual Picnic” Sprint a Big Success!

K6AGL may look lonely at the peak of the Bowfield Trail, but the VHF bands were alive for the CVARC Sprint on Saturday, August, 29, 2020.

Operators hiked to local hilltops or worked the VHF bands from home shacks, cars and even bicycles for the CVARC “Virtual Picnic” Sprint on Saturday August 29, 2020. Sprint organizer Keith Elliiot-W6KME said 24 operators reported scores.  A remarkable total of 455 QSOs were made during the three-hour VHF contest.

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September Club Meeting Information

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software as we continue social distancing efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19. Details on how to access the meeting are below.

Topic- Ham Radio on the International Space Station: NASA astronaut Doug “Wheels” Wheelock-KF5BOC is a veteran of Space Shuttle mission STS-120 as well as ISS Expedition 24, and was Commander of Expedition 25. During this mission, Wheelock conducted three unplanned spacewalks to replace a faulty ammonia pump module. He was selected to be an astronaut by NASA in 1998. The retired U.S. Army Colonel has accumulated more than 178 days in space.

Here’s a NASA video of “Wheels” working the ham radio aboard the International Space Station:

Continue reading “September Club Meeting Information”

General License Classes Begin on Zoom in September

The Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club is hosting remote General (Level 2) License classes consisting of 5 weekly sessions.

The classes will use the Zoom video conferencing software. Download it free here: Practice setting up a meeting (also free) and get familiar with the software BEFORE the classes start. You will also need a computer with video camera and microphone either built-in or attached.

Class dates: Saturday September 19, 26, October 3, 10 and 17

Class time: 8:00 am – Noon

Register for this class by emailing the CVARC Education Director at:

Continue reading “General License Classes Begin on Zoom in September”

August Club Meeting Information

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software as we continue social distancing efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19. Details on how to access the meeting are below.

Stu Sheldon-AG6AG

Topic: “I Just Got My Amateur Radio License…Now What?” Stu Sheldon-AG6AG has a presentation aimed at new hams.  Stu offers common sense advice on a variety to topics from buying the right radio, setting up antennas as well as suggestions on activities where you can put your new ham privileges to good use.  And as always, CVARC Elmers will chip in with their best tips.

Continue reading “August Club Meeting Information”

August 222MHz and Up Distance Contest

From the top of Tarantula Hill, N6ZE/R made a few evening contacts on 70 cm, including one with W6JWP.

By Pete Heins-N6ZE

For several reasons, the August 222MHz and Up Distance Contest was a unique and different contest for me. Several clubs in the local area had made special plans to help less experienced hams gain operating experience by utilizing 2 meter handhelds and mobile rigs to make QSOs during this year’s COVID-19-modified Field Day. They also encouraged operation on 6 and 2 meters during the “CQ VHF Contest.” For this reason, I heavily promoted this year’s “ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest” to encourage local area stations to participate and gain more experience in this part of the hobby.

Continue reading “August 222MHz and Up Distance Contest”

Saturday Swap Meet Taking Off

The on-air swap meet after the Saturday morning “Bored Net” is growing with new items added every week. The swap meet is managed by Keith Elliott-W6KME and follows the 9 A.M. net on the Bozo repeater (147.885, minus offset, 127.3.) Check out available items through this link to an updated spreadsheet. Contact Keith at for more information.