August 9th VE Session Cancelled

The August 9th VE session has been cancelled. We still do not have access to the Community Room at the East County Sheriff’s Station.  Other (outdoor) locations are not yet available and our first priority is to provide a safe environment for both examinees and VEs.

If you are interested in getting a license or an upgrade, you do have the option a taking a fully-remote exam. The program runs well and you should be able to get a license/upgrade in a timely manner. Because of the complexity of setting up these testing sessions, they do ask that only examinees who are consistently passing practice exams sign up for the remote exams. For more information go to

For more information contact the CVARC VE Coordinator Andy Ludlum-K6AGL at

Ham radio and emergency comms: Filling the USGS ‘donut hole’; (via ITU News)

By Adam Davidson, W9AS (This article is republished with permission of the author and the Amateur Radio Safety Foundation, Inc.)

On July 2nd, shortly before midnight local time in Hawaii, a dozen amateur radio operators did something nobody had ever done before—something that shows the best in amateur radio and could herald a transformation in the role ‘hams’ (another name

Source: ITU News

Field Day Results

Martin Hickey-AJ6CL distributed a survey to operators from the various clubs across the county to collect numbers of QSO’s made in order to highlight the accomplishments of hams in Ventura County. This informal survey is independent of the scores that operators submitted to the ARRL as official Field Day entries. Official Field Day results are published in the December issue of QST.

Continue reading “Field Day Results”

Multiband TV Rabbit Ear Antenna

Extend rabbit ears to 17” or so for 2 meter use; for 6 meters,  use the rabbit ears fully extended and add 12” clip lead at ends of the dipole. (Channel 2 TV used frequencies just a bit higher in frequency than the 6 meter band.) Use power meter, SWR bridge, or internal metering in the transceiver to achieve lowest VSWR. Meant for QRP use only! Plastic Schedule 40 PVC pipe in one-foot sections, with PVC couplings, makes for a simple mast, which can be put in a suitcase for travel or in a day pack for hill-topping/SOTA use. – Pete, N6ZE

DYFI on Winlink

This month marked the one-year anniversary of the M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake. Amateur radio operators can now report the effects of an earthquake, their experiences and the extent of the damage via radio using the “Did You Feel It” (DYFI) form on Winlink Express. This information is transmitted directly to the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) “Did You Feel It?” system which creates community earthquake intensity maps. The form allows amateur radio operators to become citizen scientists who contribute to earthquake research and support earthquake education and preparedness in their area. 

Here’s a presentation on DYFI Winlink from Oliver Dully-K6OLI at

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July Club Meeting Information

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software as we continue social distancing efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19. Details on how to access the meeting are below.

Stephen Townes-WB4ILW

Topic/Guest SpeakerDeep Space Communications and the Deep Space Network: Stephen Townes-WB4ILW will the Deep Space Network, an international array of giant radio antennas that supports interplanetary spacecraft missions.  He will also give us an overview of the fundamentals of deep space communications and aspects of flight hardware. Dr. Townes is the Chief Technologist of the Interplanetary Network Directorate and Manager of the Technology, Standards and Spectrum Program Office at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He is the current President of the JPL Amateur Radio Club.

Continue reading “July Club Meeting Information”

“Bored Meetings” and Zoom Gatherings to Continue On a New Schedule

Bozo Repeater 147.885 -offset PL 127.3

The wildly successful “Auxiliary Bored Meetings” will continue on a new schedule beginning Monday, June 29, 2020. The informal nets have been running four times daily on the Bozo repeater. Over 7,500 calls from 275 unique hams have been logged on the nets. Under the new schedule, the net will be called to order at 9 A.M. Monday through Saturday. The Saturday morning net will run 9 A.M. to noon and the repeater will linked with Paul Strauss’ (WD6EBY) repeater network for full Ventura County coverage. Starting July 11, 2020, there will be a second Saturday net at 9 P.M.

Continue reading ““Bored Meetings” and Zoom Gatherings to Continue On a New Schedule”