Raising a Hex Beam Antenna

Levitating the hex beam

By Joe Tischler- KN6JGX

No man is an island unto himself even during a pandemic.  Thanks to seven men, including my three sons, and four weeks, my new hex beam antenna is in place and well established.  I was originally going to fasten the mast to the chimney but that changed when my youngest son Adam suggested otherwise.  When you consent to a little help you open the door to additional ideas, some good some not. 

Continue reading “Raising a Hex Beam Antenna”

VHF Initiative: What You Can Do With an HT on Field Day

N6ZE holding 33cm and 23cm Alinco HTs, both with factory whip antennas.

New hams – particularly those with Technician licenses and hand-held radios – may wonder if they can get much out of Field Day (June 27-28) with their operation limited mostly to the VHF band.  CVARC and the other Ventura County amateur radio clubs have been encouraging these new hams to get involved on Field Day through the VHF Initiative where experienced operators will be monitoring VHF simplex frequencies to make Field Day QSO’s with the new hams.

Continue reading “VHF Initiative: What You Can Do With an HT on Field Day”

Six Ways to Get the Most Out of Field Day Even If We Can’t Be Together

There are several special amateur radio initiatives planned in Ventura County during Field Day 2020, June 27-28th.  The COVID-19 crisis makes us unable to gather in large groups as we have in the past. We are attempting to recapture some of the camaraderie and fellowship among hams in other ways by making the following options available for those who choose to participate in them.  Nothing here is compulsory.  The idea is to have some fun.  Feel free to participate in whatever interests you.

Continue reading “Six Ways to Get the Most Out of Field Day Even If We Can’t Be Together”

Zoom Meeting on County-Wide Field Day Events

A Zoom meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the Ventura County events set for ARRL Field Day, June 27-28, 2020. These events have been planned by the Ventura County amateur radio clubs and all hams are encouraged to attend. For more information, see Six Ways to Get the Most Out of Field Day Even If We Can’t Be Together on the https://www.cvarc.org website.

Topic: County Wide Field Day Events

Time: Jun 17, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 859 3791 9877

Password: 394854

June Club Meeting Information

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software as we continue social distancing efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19. Details on how to access the meeting are listed below.

Michael Ricky-AF6FB

Topic/Guest SpeakerDMR:  Michael Ricky-AF6FB is active with the PAPA System which is on 15 hilltops with 42 repeaters covering Southern California with analog, DMR, and D-Star repeaters. You will find AF6FB on the DMR using the SoCal (31066) or California (3016) talk groups.

Upcoming CVARC Programs

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 882 8651 1465

Password: 527083

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,88286511465#,,1#,527083# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,88286511465#,,1#,527083# US (Houston)

June 14 Exam Session Cancelled

The FCC License Test (VE Session) scheduled for Sunday, June 14 at the Ventura County Sheriff’s East Valley facility has been cancelled. Understandably, with the current demands placed on the region’s law enforcement agencies, we have been unable to confirm access to or use of the facility. Also, given the challenges of COVID-19 requiring limited gatherings, protective items and proper distancing, additional time and planning is needed prior to conducting an exam session. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience. The next regularly scheduled CVARC VE Session is set for Sunday, August 9. – Jeff-Reinhardt -AA6JR