Presentation from May 21 Meeting

Martin Hickey-AJ6CL

Updated with the two recent rule changes.

At the last club meeting, CVARC Operations Chair Martin Hickey-AJ6CL discussed plans for what will certainly be the most unique Field Day in club history. See Martin’s presentation slides outlining Field Day history as well as the rules and operating options for individual stations.

Test Your Skills With These 5 WPM Morse Code Tests

Those of us who got our Amateur Radio license many years ago had to pass a Morse Code test.  The Novice class license required potential hams to pass an exam of 5 WPM both copying and sending Morse Code.

I have included 6 Morse Code tests that were used for the Novice Class test.  In each case the character speed is 15 WPM and the overall speed is 5 WPM. 

Continue reading “Test Your Skills With These 5 WPM Morse Code Tests”

Thunderbird Flyover

Ron Topolinski-K6CPR passed along a nice video of the Thunderbird flyover on Friday, May 15 taken by Mayor Keith Smith of Camarillo:

The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds conducted flyovers in Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura counties to honor local front line workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic.

May Club Meeting Information

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software as we continue social distancing efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19.

Martin Hickey-AJ6CL

Topic/Guest Speaker – Field Day:  CVARC Operations Chair Martin Hickey-AJ6CL will discuss plans for what will certainly be the most unique Field Day in club history. Due to the anticipated restrictions on large gatherings, Field Day (June 27-28) will transition from a group activity into individual station events. Martin will discuss the Field Day rules and operating options for individual stations. He’ll also share some of the ideas planned for, albeit distant, social interaction to keep us connected as a club on Field Day weekend.

Topic: CVARC Zoom Club Meeting

Time: May 21, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 847 1261 5948

Password: 043317

Upcoming CVARC Programs

The 2020 Spring 6-Meter SPRINT: A Ventura County Perspective

The 5 element M>2 six-meter yagi is mounted below roofline of a one-story house. Davis Weather Sensor Suite is also mounted on the mast. Part of a Cushcraft R-5 HF vertical is also in the view.

By Pete Heins-N6ZE

The 2020 Spring Six Meter SPRINT, the final one until fall 2020, was held on Saturday, May 9, 2020, and what a SPRINT it was:

  1. Lots of Ventura County stations were active.
  2. Many hams with little prior 6-meter experience tried the band.
  3. Not a bit of Sporadic E (Es) Propagation was to be had.
  4. One CVARC member activated a Summits on the Air (SOTA) Peak.
Continue reading “The 2020 Spring 6-Meter SPRINT: A Ventura County Perspective”

Zoom Meetings Three Days a Week

Brad Ormsby-W6VO’s Zoom meetings are moving to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule starting Monday April 20th. Brad’s meeting of “The Bored” is a fun, informal way to stay in touch with fellow hams. The credentials below should work for all future meetings.

Topic: Brad Ormsby-W6VO’s Zoom Meeting

Time: 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 945 9707 8960

Password: 016295

Spring 2020 Microwave SPRINT

N6ZE’s First operating location for the Spring 2020 Microwave SPRINT was overlooking the San Fernando Valley from the Topanga Canyon overview (from outside the closed park, of course). The elderly Yaesu FT736 does not like 12VDC power so I used my generator and 13 elements of an M>2 yagi. This stop was for only 30 minutes.

The Spring 2020 Microwave SPRINT was held on Saturday, May 2nd. Five seasonal SPRINT events, sponsored by the Central States VHF Society, are held in the Spring and Fall to encourage use of and foster simplex activity on the VHF/UHF bands.

During four hours of operation from three locations, Pete Heins-N6ZE made 14 contacts on 23cm and 33cm with 10 different stations. He made two additional contacts with N6VI from another location, but only the furthest distance counted for points.

Continue reading “Spring 2020 Microwave SPRINT”

N6ZE’s 70 cm and 135 cm Spring SPRINT Results

N6ZE’s pickup truck with bed mounted 70 cm yagi with rotator and whip antenna for 6 m, 2 m/70 cm and 135 cm

By Pete Heins-N6ZE

On Wednesday evening, April 22, 2020, the 70 cm Spring SPRINT served as a “highlight of the day” to escape today’s issues. The weather was great: T-shirt weather, with calm winds and great visibility. The activity level was a pleasant surprise with many stations worked throughout Ventura County.

Continue reading “N6ZE’s 70 cm and 135 cm Spring SPRINT Results”

Thousands of Ham Check-ins on “Bored” Nets

Bozo Repeater 147.885 -offset PL 127.3

As of 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 15, there have been 2,075 total check ins to the informal nets, called the “Auxiliary Bored Meetings,” running four times daily on the Bozo repeater. In addition to the nets, local hams have been gathering a couple of times a week on Zoom for internet chats. Details are announced on the daily nets and on this website.

The gatherings take place seven days a week at 09:00, 12:00, 18:00 and 21:00 local time except Sundays and Tuesdays at 18:00 to avoid conflicts with other networks on Bozo. The Bozo repeater is linked with Paul Strauss’ (WD6EBY) repeater network for the 09:00 and the 21:00 meetups giving full Ventura County coverage.

Continue reading “Thousands of Ham Check-ins on “Bored” Nets”

This Week’s Club Meeting On Zoom

The next club meeting on Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software due to Ventura County’s “Stay Well at Home” emergency order to combat the spread of COVID-19. Please read on for information on how to access this meeting.

Norm Thorn, K6UU

Topic/Guest Speakers – Amateur Radio on the International Space Station: Norm Thorn -K6UU discusses ARISS, a competitive program for schools to propose special science and space education programs in conjunction with contacting an astronaut aboard the International Space Station via amateur radio.  Most ARISS events worldwide lately have been postponed indefinitely, due to social distancing requirements and stay at home orders.  Norm will discuss efforts to develop working online approaches to doing events even if the students are at home in quarantine.  He will touch on some of the things they are looking at to deal with the situation. 

To join the CVARC Zoom Meeting click on this url:

Meeting ID: 428 144 742

Password: 002253

Continue reading “This Week’s Club Meeting On Zoom”