N6ZE’s Spring 2020 2 Meter SPRINT Results

By Pete Heins-N6ZE

I operated from a local Thousand Oaks hilltop (DM04ne) during the first two hours of the Spring 2 Meter SPRINT, which was held on Monday evening, April 6th. Hint: To increase one’s VHF/UHF score go to the highest hilltop you can access!

I made 23 QSOs in 3 Grids. Score is 69. I contacted DM04 (19 QSO), DM03 (1 QSO), & DM13 (3 QSO).

I also heard K6MYC in DM07 (205 miles), north of Fresno and N6RMJ in DM25 (257 miles), in the Northwest corner of Arizona. Not one peep was heard from DM12, DM14, CM94, or CM95.

Continue reading “N6ZE’s Spring 2020 2 Meter SPRINT Results”

Hams offer valuable communication (via The Acorn)

ON THE AIRWAVES—People with scanner radios can listen in on operators in the Conejo Valley chatting about various topics. Tune in to 147.885 MHz at 9 a.m., noon, 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. Courtesy photo

Members of the Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club have a way to overcome the social separation issue imposed during the coronavirus—they meet several times a day using their radios. The on-air meetings…

Source: The Acorn

April VE Session Cancelled

The CVARC VE session scheduled to be held Sunday, April 19 at 8:30 a.m. at the East Valley Sheriff Station has been cancelled due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The next scheduled CVARC exam session is set for June 14, conditions permitting. — Jeff Reinhardt-AA6JR CVARC VE Session Coordinator

President’s Message

Brett Price-KM6VFW

Your Board Members have met and determined to cancel the March 19, 2020 meeting for the protection of our membership. 

Given the recommendation of federal, state and local health authorities regarding efforts to avoid contracting coronavirus (COVID-19), including social distancing, among others, the demographics of our membership, the virulent and aggressive nature of this disease, and your Board’s desire to help our members to avoid contamination, we believe this is the best decision for CVARC and its membership. This decision was difficult but necessary. We hope to resume meetings in April or May, depending upon facts and circumstances relating to coronavirus.

Continue reading “President’s Message”

March 19th CVARC Meeting Cancelled

In an abundance of caution over being able to provide a safe meeting environment for our members, we have decided to cancel the March 19, 2020 CVARC meeting.  We hope to reschedule the program for later in the year.  The CVARC Board of Directors will consider the advice and direction of county, state and federal health experts on COVID-19 and make decisions about the rest of the club meetings going forward.  Please look for updated information on this website, on our newsgroup at groups.io and on the CVARC Facebook page. Please direct any questions or comments to info@cvarc.org.

Call for Field Day Volunteers

CVARC is now recruiting those interested in participating in Field Day during the weekend of June 27th and 28th this year. 

Band captains, operators and support personnel are all needed.  Field Day is a great way to learn from mentors and experienced hams.  If you have never attended Field Day, we encourage you to participate for the fun, fellowship with fellow hams and an opportunity to learn about the many different aspects of our hobby.  

If you have experience with Field Day, we need you again this year!  Historically, CVARC has been proud to run the largest Field Day operation in the country.  Learn about emergency preparedness and how to make contacts all over the U.S. and the world! 

If you are interested in getting involved and having a great time, please contact Martin at AJ6CL@CVARC.org

Big Turnout for CVARC Mesh Flashmob

Phil Bartlett-K6UJO and Greg Lane-K7SDW set up in the parking lot.

By Andy Moorwood-K3CAQ

Approximately 30 amateurs attended CVARC’s first Mesh Network Flashmob on Sunday, February 23, 2020 at the East County Sheriff’s Station.  Ten operators brought their equipment and an additional three were configured “flashed” and / or debugged to get them functional. 

Continue reading “Big Turnout for CVARC Mesh Flashmob”

The Solar Cycle and HF Radio Communications

Remember this? We might see a similar solar maximum by 2025!

Members have been asking to take a closer look at the presentation made at the last meeting by Ken Larson-KJ6RZ on the solar cycle and its impact on HF radio communications. You can view his presentation by clicking here or you can find it anytime by clicking “Links” and then selecting the “Technical Articles” drop-down.