Summary of N6ZE/K1FJM ARRL September 2018 VHF Contest Operation

Pete Heins-N6ZE/K1FJM (right)

For many years, I have been a fairly active VHF/UHFer and particularly enjoy operating in VHF/UHF Contests and like to encourage others to do the same. Knowing that many local area hams have been licensed for just a short period of time or have never participated in a VHF/UHF contesting event, I traditionally clog local ham radio chat rooms with announcements for these operating opportunities.

Continue reading “Summary of N6ZE/K1FJM ARRL September 2018 VHF Contest Operation”

January Club Meeting Information

The next regular club meeting is Thursday, January 17, 2019  (always the third Thursday) at the East County Sheriff’s Station’s Community Room 2101 E. Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks at 7:30 pm.

Talk-in coordination is on the Bozo repeater, 147.885 ( – 127.3).

Topic/Guest Speaker:  Power:  Something all hams need is clean, reliable power.  Mark Olson, the son of a ham, has had a 37 year career at Southern California Edison. Mark will give us a brief history of electrical power and discuss modern power systems, electric issues, power emergencies, power safety and radio interference.

Raffle Prizes: RF Connector Adapter Kit, RTL-SDR Dipole Kit, Book “Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio”

Pre-Meeting Dinner: Join fellow club members for a pre-meeting dinner at 5:00 pm, at Bandit’s Grill and Bar, 589 N Moorpark Rd, Thousand Oaks.  805-497-7427.

Upcoming CVARC Programs

The Woolsey Fire and Ham Radio

CVARC member Ben Kuo-AI6YR visits in studio with David Goldenberg-W0DHG to talk on his podcast Ham Radio Now about how amateur radio played a part in the recent Woolsey Fire.


Repeaters, Amateur TV Play Communication Role in California Fire Emergency

Amateur Radio repeaters and TV (ATV) have helped to keep the broader community informed on the local status of widespread fires in Southern California, radio amateurs say. CVARC member Benjamin Kuo, KI6YR, who had to evacuate but now is back home, said remote Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN) mesh cameras captured video from fires across Southern California earlier this month, including the early stages of the Woolsey Fire.

ATV cameras also offered views of some of the state’s less prominent fires, including the Briggs Fire in Santa Paula, and the Peak Fire in Simi Valley. Continue reading “Repeaters, Amateur TV Play Communication Role in California Fire Emergency”

2019 CVARC Board of Directors Elected

The 2019 CVARC Board of Directors was elected at the November 15th club meeting.

President:  Stu Forman – AD6SF

Vice President:  Brett Price – KM6VFW

Secretary:  Andy Ludlum – K6AGL

Treasurer:  Christian Ylagan – K6CAY

Editor/Publisher:  Stu Forman – AD6SF

Education:  Kat Hunley – K6VQN

Technical:  Adrian Jarrett – K6KY

Operations:  Bill Willcox – KF6JQO

Public Relations:  Paul Van Zuyle – K6PVZ

Social:  Mike Felio – K6MJF

Member at Large:  Zak Cohen – N6PK

Member at Large:  Mark Horner -KK6IKX

Member at Large:  Diane Wainwood – KJ6JEJ

Holiday Party and Raffle Tickets

The CVARC Holiday Party is December 13 at the Best Western Posada Royale on Madera Road in Simi Valley.   The cost is $30/person.  The club meeting on Thursday, November 15th is the best time to sign up and pay for your tickets.  If you are not attending this month’s meeting, you can send a check, payable to Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club, to P.O. Box 2093, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358 by December 1st.

There will be TWO Raffles at the Holiday Party:  One prize is a $350 DX Engineering Gift Card.  Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25.  You can buy tickets at the club meeting.  Winner need not be present.  The second raffle uses all the raffle tickets purchased throughout the year.  The prize is a gently used mobile rig that was donated to the club:  A Yaesu FT-100 (HF + 2m/440).   It originally retailed for $895.  One sold last month on eBay for $599.99.  The prize package includes two external speakers, a travel tuner, an SWR meter, power supply, cables, ground straps and mounting hardware and more.  All total, this is probably a $7-800 prize package.  For this raffle, winner must be present.


November Club Meeting Information

The next regular club meeting is Thursday, November 15, 2018 (always the third Thursday) at the East County Sheriff’s Station’s Community Room 2101 E. Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks at 7:30 pm.

Talk-in coordination is on the Bozo repeater, 147.885 ( – 127.3).

Topic/Guest Speaker:  Ham Radio Apps for Cell Phones:  Stu Forman-AD6SF will lead a discussion about the many ham radio apps available for the iPhone and Android cellphone platforms.  The apps range from testing, reference and logging tools to APRS trackers and streaming-audio software such as Echolink.

Raffle Prizes: 31 ft. Heavy Duty Fiberglass Telescopic Pole, Ham-it-up Plus Upconverter, ARRL’s Magnetic Loop Antenna Book

Pre-Meeting Dinner: Join fellow club members for a pre-meeting dinner, at 5:00 pm, at Yolanda’s, 590 East LA Avenue, Simi Valley, 805-306-9933.

Upcoming CVARC Programs