The Shrieks and Howls of “Bloopers”

A nearly 100-year-old inference problem was caused by radios using “positive feedback” which is found in oscillator circuits that are at the heart of today’s amateur radio equipment. This picture is of a radio direction-finding truck used by the British Post Office in 1927 to find illegal radio transmissions. At the time, the post office regulated radio communications in Britian. The truck was used to track down radio transmitters operated by unlicensed radio amateurs. It was also used in London to track down “bloopers” – regenerative radio receivers that produced interference.

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DX-Pedition to Anacapa Island

You have an opportunity to join fellow CVARC members on a DX-Pedition to Anacapa Island on Sunday, September 17th. Part of the fun will be a dual activation of the site with Parks on the Air (POTA) and Islands on the Air (IOTA.) We’ll be operating from the Visitors Center, about 1/2 mile from the boat landing near Arch Rock on the east end of the island.

To join the expedition, please read the following information closely. You must purchase a seat on the boat to the island to be part of the fun!

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Technician Level License Course Set for September

CVARC is offering a Technician Level amateur radio license course beginning in September. The FCC Technician license is the gateway to the world of ham radio, from the local VHF and UHF bands to worldwide on the “shortwave” bands. The course will be held on five Saturday mornings; September 2, 9, 23, 30, and October 7, from 8:00 A.M. to noon.

Zak Cohen-N6PK

The instructor will be Zak Cohen-N6PK. The location is the Community Room at the East County Sheriff Station, 2101 East Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks. A testing session will be held in the same location on October 8th. There is no fee for the course. We’ll be using the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual Fifth Edition, available here. Contact Keith Elliott at to sign up for the course.

President’s Message

Hello CVARC members, families, and guests!

Ed Zimmermann-N6XEW

July went by quickly and boy was it a warm month! August promises to be the same. The sunspot cycle is still on the upswing. Get on the air and make some contacts. In late July I had several amazing contacts, not on FT8 but on phone. That’s right, single side band to Australia and South Africa! The conversations lasted only a few minutes, but they were clear and booming. Both stations were S9 and they were receiving me at S5. Not bad for 100 watts and a wire. So, turn that radio on and tune around the bands. Propagation always sucks when the radio is turned off.

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Tim Wheeler-K6POI, SK

Tim Wheeler-K6POI, SK

CVARC past president and longtime club member Tim Wheeler-K6POI has passed away. For the last several years he has been living with increasing problems due to Parkinson’s disease. He was 81.

Tim is remembered by Norm Campbell-AB6ET as a friend, mentor, and “all around good guy” both in person and on the air. James Smith-KK6YAM recalled, “Tim was the first person I met when I joined the club. He saw I was new and came over and welcomed me.” Wendy Joffe-WB6ADC, who attended the ham radio classes he taught remembered Tim’s “kind smile and the twinkle in his eyes when he’d share a joke.”  ACS Area 2 Emergency Coordinator Zak Cohen-N6PK described Tim as a good friend and regular dinner companion who was knowledgeable and helpful in his role as an Assistant Emergency Coordinator.

Memorial plans have not been announced. Tim’s family has created a tribute page on the Michael J. Fox Foundation website. Contributions in honor of Tim to the foundation’s Parkinson’s research would be welcome.

CVARC “Summits on The Air” Drive-Up Chase and Activation Adventure

Venue for the CVARC Drive-Up SOTA Chase and Activation Adventure

On August 19th from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M., CVARC will hold its first-ever “Drive-Up SOTA Chase and Activation Adventure.”

For this event, no hiking is necessary! The location is a beautiful hilltop venue in the Camarillo Heights area to which we can drive our cars.  It will be a fun CVARC party!

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August Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting will be held on Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 7:30 P.M. at the East County Sheriff’s Station.

Topic: Chasing SOTAs. Most of us have heard about SOTA (Summits on the Air) activations where amateurs originate portable operations from mountain tops. Ron Topolinsk-K6CPR introduces us to radio fun you can have without all the hiking – chasing SOTAs!

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President’s Message

Hello CVARC members, families, and guests!

Ed Zimmermann-N6XEW at Field Day

First off, a huge thank you to all those who participated in CVARC’s Field Day! Keith Elliott-W6KME and the Field Day Committee did a wonderful job with the planning and execution of the Field Day activities. Secondly, a thank you to the Sherwood Development Corp. for the use of Dicken’s Patch as our Field Day site once again. CVARC had an impressive 18 stations operating for the event (not a contest.) The score, so far, for the CVARC Field Day is 8,208 points!  That’s a 3,000-point gain from last year.

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