June Declared Amateur Radio Month

Ventura County hams were recognized for their community service by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, June 18. The board issued a proclamation at the televised event declaring the month of June as Amateur Radio month in Ventura County. 

Read the entire proclamation here.

Ventura County Board of Supervisors Declares June “Amateur Radio Month”

Please plan to attend the Ventura County Board of Supervisors meeting at 10 A.M. on Tuesday, June 18, where all Ventura County Amateur Radio operators will be recognized with a proclamation honoring their service to the community.

This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate our presence and to receive recognition for the many activities we engage in throughout the year. The meeting is televised and it’s also a great way to promote our Field Day activities later that week.  Call sign badges and tasteful ham-related apparel would be good to wear if you have them.

The meeting will be held at: 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura CA 93009  on June 18 – Please plan to arrive by 10 A.M.

Thank you!

Jeff Reinhardt-AA6JR  

Dave Arata KA9WMI, SK

David Arata-KA9WMI and Casey Cryer-KJ6GSV at the 2023 Visalia DX Convention.

It saddens us to announce that CVARC member Dave Arata-KA9WMI passed away on April 10th after a brief illness. Below is a tribute message from his friend and fellow ham, Casey Cryer-KJ6GSV:

In our unique hobby, everyone seems to find something special that they enjoy above the other aspects of ham radio. Some love the tech, some love the versatility, and others love the people. For me, Dave Arata was all about people. Dave and I met at Winter Field Day 2023, which was my first field day and introduction to the social side of ham radio. Dave and I instantly hit it off and it felt great to chat about radios without feeling like I was speaking Mandarin.

Dave comes from a family of hams. His dad, Russell Arata (KA3RRS), his brother, Joe (KZ4DN), and his son, Matthew (KB9IVG). Their love for ham radio shows the legacy Dave leaves behind.

Dave and I had a great time at the 2023 Visalia DX Convention. We explored all the latest ham radio gear and enjoyed the seminars together. Dave’s upbeat spirit and wealth of technical know-how made him a truly unique person. He was always ready to help tackle any radio question I had. Folks like Dave leave a lasting impact on those around them and his presence will be truly missed by everyone at CVARC.

The memorial service for David will be held on Monday, April 29th at 10:00 AM at Holy Cross Catholic Church, located at 13955 Peach Hill Rd in Moorpark. All are welcome to attend.



Goal Surpassed in Repeater Building Fundraiser 

CVARC members responded to the call for help and raised $1,000 towards painting and upkeep at the Sulphur Mountain repeater site operated by the Pleasant Valley Amateur Radio Club.

With the fantastic response by CVARC members, we significantly exceeded our goal of raising $700 for the project. The building that houses the repeaters on Sulphur Mountain hadn’t been painted since it was installed there years ago and was in desperate need of a paint job.

Thank you for your help and generosity!

Big Raffle Winner

Big Raffle winner Shannon Porter-KO6BSK being presented the gift certificate by Past President Ed Zimmermann-N6XEW at the January club meeting.

Shannon Porter-KO6BSK was the winner of the 2023 CVARC “Big Raffle.” Shannon now has the pleasant task of deciding how to spend the $300 DX Engineering gift certificate.

AJ6CL Winner of the 2023 Bosma Award

CVARC President Ed Zimmermann-N6XEW presenting the Bosma Award plaque to Martin Hickey-AJ6CL.

Martin Hickey-AJ6CL has been selected by the CVARC Board of Directors as the recipient of the 2023 Hugh Bosma Legacy Award. Martin was recognized not only for his leadership with club operations and Filed Days, but also for his efforts to foster interest in the club’s MORSE Group and portable operations such as Summits on the Air.


CVARC Members in Action

April Taylor-KN6QQW volunteering at the Camarillo Christmas Parade.
David Arata-KA9WMI recently upgraded his battery box with the addition of two lithium batteries.

Book Recommendation: Ham Radio Boost by Lucien Koch-DH7LM

James Smith-KK6YAM recently picked up a copy of Ham Radio Boost written by a German ham Lucien Koch-DH7LM.

James said “although it is a non-technical book, I think many hams can find it helpful to get some pointers on ham radio, keep motivated to make contacts, and not get drawn down into the nuts and bolts of the hobby. I found that I picked up some great ideas on focusing on enjoying ham radio and not over engineering things.”

James added that “if you find yourself buried in projects and parts as I have, this book can be your way back to being a ham station operator.”

Whether you are an experienced ham or just beginning your amateur radio journey, this book encourages you to try new things, and think differently about the hobby. Koch reflects on his own radio lessons and provides tips and tricks to overcome your stumbling blocks – and bring your ham radio experience to a new level.

The book is available in paperback and e-book formats on Amazon.

2024 CVARC Board of Directors Elected

The 2024 CVARC Board of Directors was elected by acclamation at the November 16, 2023, General Meeting. Board members serve for a one-year term beginning January 1, 2024.

President: Daphne Vandervalk – KN6TXX

Vice President: Ed Zimmermann – N6XEW

Secretary: Craig Grimm – KD6NFD – (Keith as backup)

Treasurer: Christian Ylagan – K6CAY

Operations: Martin Hickey – AJ6CL

Technical: James Smith – KK6YAM

Publisher: Andy Ludlum – K6AGL

Social: Mike Felio – K6MJF

Education: Keith Elliott-W6KME

Public Relations: April Taylor – KN6QQW

Member at Large: Zak Cohen-N6PK

Member at Large: Warren Wegerer-K6WKW

Member at Large: Huston Herman-KK6WT  

Member at Large: Ron Topolinski-K6CPR

Tim Wheeler-K6POI, SK

Tim Wheeler-K6POI, SK

CVARC past president and longtime club member Tim Wheeler-K6POI has passed away. For the last several years he has been living with increasing problems due to Parkinson’s disease. He was 81.

Tim is remembered by Norm Campbell-AB6ET as a friend, mentor, and “all around good guy” both in person and on the air. James Smith-KK6YAM recalled, “Tim was the first person I met when I joined the club. He saw I was new and came over and welcomed me.” Wendy Joffe-WB6ADC, who attended the ham radio classes he taught remembered Tim’s “kind smile and the twinkle in his eyes when he’d share a joke.”  ACS Area 2 Emergency Coordinator Zak Cohen-N6PK described Tim as a good friend and regular dinner companion who was knowledgeable and helpful in his role as an Assistant Emergency Coordinator.

Memorial plans have not been announced. Tim’s family has created a tribute page on the Michael J. Fox Foundation website. Contributions in honor of Tim to the foundation’s Parkinson’s research would be welcome.