Reinhardt is 2020 Bosma Award Recipient

Jeff Reinhardt-AA6JR is the 2020 recipient of the Hugh Bosma Legacy Award. CVARC President Brett Price-KM6VFW presented the award at the CVARC general meeting November 19, 2020. Reinhardt was recognized for his 20 years of service as CVARC’s Volunteer Examiner Coordinator. Jeff’s VE program has tested 2,150 candidates who have earned 1,655 amateur radio licenses since 1990.

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Ham radio and emergency comms: Filling the USGS ‘donut hole’; (via ITU News)

By Adam Davidson, W9AS (This article is republished with permission of the author and the Amateur Radio Safety Foundation, Inc.)

On July 2nd, shortly before midnight local time in Hawaii, a dozen amateur radio operators did something nobody had ever done before—something that shows the best in amateur radio and could herald a transformation in the role ‘hams’ (another name

Source: ITU News

DYFI on Winlink

This month marked the one-year anniversary of the M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake. Amateur radio operators can now report the effects of an earthquake, their experiences and the extent of the damage via radio using the “Did You Feel It” (DYFI) form on Winlink Express. This information is transmitted directly to the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) “Did You Feel It?” system which creates community earthquake intensity maps. The form allows amateur radio operators to become citizen scientists who contribute to earthquake research and support earthquake education and preparedness in their area. 

Here’s a presentation on DYFI Winlink from Oliver Dully-K6OLI at

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Thunderbird Flyover

Ron Topolinski-K6CPR passed along a nice video of the Thunderbird flyover on Friday, May 15 taken by Mayor Keith Smith of Camarillo:

The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds conducted flyovers in Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura counties to honor local front line workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hams offer valuable communication (via The Acorn)

ON THE AIRWAVES—People with scanner radios can listen in on operators in the Conejo Valley chatting about various topics. Tune in to 147.885 MHz at 9 a.m., noon, 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. Courtesy photo

Members of the Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club have a way to overcome the social separation issue imposed during the coronavirus—they meet several times a day using their radios. The on-air meetings…

Source: The Acorn

CVARC Holiday Party

The CVARC Holiday Party is coming up fast.  It’s Thursday, December 19 at the Best Western Posada Royale, 1775 Madera Rd in Simi Valley, starting at 6:00.  We’re able to accommodate a few more people, but you must act fast because we have to give the venue a final count within the next few days. 

If you would like to attend the Holiday Party, please email me as soon as possible at  The cost is $27.50 per person.  You can send your payment to PO Box 2093, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358 or bring a check to the party.

The Holiday Party includes appetizers, a delicious buffet dinner, raffle prizes and, of course, we’ll be announcing the winner of the Hugh Bosma Legacy Award.

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