Wanted: Communications Systems Coordinator

I am reaching out to local radio folks to see if they know of anyone interested in my job.  I am the City of Simi Valley Communications Systems Coordinator and manage our $6.5 million UHF simulcast P25 system radio system with 5 sites and some 300 portables and 300 mobiles.  I am a temporary employee that was called out of retirement earlier this year to fill the position until we find a permanent replacement.  The job flyer is attached if you could forward it to anyone CVARC members who might be interested in the job.  Total compensation, salary and benefits, is about $155,000 a year.

Thanks in advance,
Greg Riegert-W6GRG

Communications Systems Coordinator.2019.final_ (1)

New Event – Need Volunteers

Are you flexible?  I need operators who are willing to be flexible as to positions assigned and changes due to conditions and coordination of the event (about 20 operators).

The event is the Malibu GRANFONDO cycling event. It will be on Saturday March 16th 2019 (fast turnaround) from about 8:00 AM to about 4:00 PM. It will Start/Finish at the Four Seasons hotel in Westlake Village. It will go through Thousand Oaks to Camarillo and the long race goes up to Saticoy and back – then down to Pacific Coast Highway and through Malibu and up to Agoura and finish at Thousand Oaks. There will be about 400 participants including several World Class cyclists.

Continue reading “New Event – Need Volunteers”

The Woolsey Fire and Ham Radio

CVARC member Ben Kuo-AI6YR visits in studio with David Goldenberg-W0DHG to talk on his podcast Ham Radio Now about how amateur radio played a part in the recent Woolsey Fire.


Repeaters, Amateur TV Play Communication Role in California Fire Emergency

Amateur Radio repeaters and TV (ATV) have helped to keep the broader community informed on the local status of widespread fires in Southern California, radio amateurs say. CVARC member Benjamin Kuo, KI6YR, who had to evacuate but now is back home, said remote Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN) mesh cameras captured video from fires across Southern California earlier this month, including the early stages of the Woolsey Fire.

ATV cameras also offered views of some of the state’s less prominent fires, including the Briggs Fire in Santa Paula, and the Peak Fire in Simi Valley. Continue reading “Repeaters, Amateur TV Play Communication Role in California Fire Emergency”

2019 CVARC Board of Directors Elected

The 2019 CVARC Board of Directors was elected at the November 15th club meeting.

President:  Stu Forman – AD6SF

Vice President:  Brett Price – KM6VFW

Secretary:  Andy Ludlum – K6AGL

Treasurer:  Christian Ylagan – K6CAY

Editor/Publisher:  Stu Forman – AD6SF

Education:  Kat Hunley – K6VQN

Technical:  Adrian Jarrett – K6KY

Operations:  Bill Willcox – KF6JQO

Public Relations:  Paul Van Zuyle – K6PVZ

Social:  Mike Felio – K6MJF

Member at Large:  Zak Cohen – N6PK

Member at Large:  Mark Horner -KK6IKX

Member at Large:  Diane Wainwood – KJ6JEJ

In Memoriam

Melissa Reinhardt, KD6BIT SK

CVARC member Melissa S. Reinhardt, a marketing and advertising executive with close ties to the amateur radio industry passed away peacefully on November 9, 2018 after an 11-year battle with cancer.

Her ever-present smile was often seen at Dayton and regional hamfests. Over the years she created promotional programs for AOR, Alinco, Kantronics, U.S. Tower and others. She served clients in many other disciplines including manufacturing, sporting goods and financial services. Through her career, she won several national and regional awards for advertising excellence. Continue reading “In Memoriam”

Holiday Party and Raffle Tickets

The CVARC Holiday Party is December 13 at the Best Western Posada Royale on Madera Road in Simi Valley.   The cost is $30/person.  The club meeting on Thursday, November 15th is the best time to sign up and pay for your tickets.  If you are not attending this month’s meeting, you can send a check, payable to Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club, to P.O. Box 2093, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358 by December 1st.

There will be TWO Raffles at the Holiday Party:  One prize is a $350 DX Engineering Gift Card.  Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25.  You can buy tickets at the club meeting.  Winner need not be present.  The second raffle uses all the raffle tickets purchased throughout the year.  The prize is a gently used mobile rig that was donated to the club:  A Yaesu FT-100 (HF + 2m/440).   It originally retailed for $895.  One sold last month on eBay for $599.99.  The prize package includes two external speakers, a travel tuner, an SWR meter, power supply, cables, ground straps and mounting hardware and more.  All total, this is probably a $7-800 prize package.  For this raffle, winner must be present.


ISS Astronaut’s QSO With California Middle School Students

An astronaut on the International Space Station answered questions via ham radio from students at the Mendez Fundamental Intermediate School in Santa Ana on September 6th.   The approximately 9 minute QSO took place between the Space Station-NA1SS and AA6TB. The astronaut’s comments could be heard in the Conejo Valley and across the state on 145.80 MHz downlink.

Continue reading “ISS Astronaut’s QSO With California Middle School Students”