President’s Message

If you were at our February meeting, you likely heard that we’re planning some new things for 2019.  Well, maybe not new, but we’re bringing back some things that CVARC hasn’t done in a while.

It’s been a few years since we’ve had a real club picnic, one that wasn’t also a Mini-Field Day.  So we’re planning to have a club picnic in August – a picnic where spouses and children are encouraged to attend – a picnic that’s less about radio and more about good food and socializing… although there will be a little radio fun.

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President’s Message

Happy New Year!  I’d like to again thank outgoing Board members Tim Wheeler-K6POI, Steve Gillis-KZ6H, Joe Sprissler-AI6MW and Ben Herrera-W6JWZ for their service to the club, and again welcome new Board members Brett Price-KM6VFW, Paul Van Zuyle-K6PVZ, Kat Hunley-K6VQN and Diane Wainwood-KJ6JEJ.  The Board has already had it first meeting of the new year, and we’ve started planning for 2019.  I think you’ll enjoy what’s to come. 

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President’s Message

Another CVARC Holiday Party is in the books.  We had approximately 50 members and guests in attendance.  Everyone seemed to have had a good time.  The food was good, as always.  I probably ate more than I should have… and I probably wasn’t the only one. 

Congratulations to the Raffle winners!  Jim Aguirre-KM6GUE won the Yaesu mobile Rig, and Joe Sprissler-AI6MW won the $350 DX Engineering gift card.  And then there was the Hugh Bosma Legacy Award. 

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President’s Message

We had a nice turnout at the recent Mini-Field Day & Picnic.  People seemed to like the new location, so it looks like we’ll be back there for future events.  Thanks to Steve Gillis-KZ6H and Mike Felio-K6MJF for making the arrangements.  Also, I’d like to acknowledge and thank Dennis Fendelander-N2BEU for surprising us with a donation of various ham radio items.  The items will be free for the taking at the October club meeting. Continue reading “President’s Message”

President’s Message

2018 is winding down.  And you know what that means… it’s time to start thinking about the 2019 Board of Directors!

We’re a large club, and we have a lot of activities and events.  So, naturally, we need people to plan these activities and events, and handle the routine matters that are part of running a club.  We’ve had the good fortune of having some very involved club members recently, many of whom have served in different roles for more than a few years.  As we move into 2019, some Board members have said they’d be willing to stay on for another year – perhaps in a different position than their current one – while others would prefer to bow out and pass the torch to someone new.  We expect we’ll need someone to fill the Vice President position, as well as the Education and Public Relations positions, and we’ll also have one Member at Large position available. Continue reading “President’s Message”

President’s Message

Hello!  …and welcome to the new CVARC website!  Take a few minutes to explore it.  Click around.  I’ll wait…  But then come back, ok?

Yes, we’ve moved into a new era.  Instead of publishing a monthly newsletter, we’ve decided to make our website a little more dynamic, by blending most of the information that was part of our previous website with the features that were typically part of our monthly newsletters.  Hopefully this new approach will make it easier for people to find the information they’re seeking. This redesign will also give the website more of a magazine-feel, with new content being adding throughout the month. Continue reading “President’s Message”

President’s Message

Well, another Field Day is over. I heard a lot of very nice comments, both in person and via social media. People are impressed with the size and scope of our presence. And it IS impressive, from the big tent, to the 20 stations, the antenna farm, members working satellite passes, visits from Boy Scouts and even our Congresswoman. I’ve never been to another club’s Field Day, but I did see a lot of Field Day photos on Facebook. Nothing I saw even comes close. I posted some photos to CVARC’s Facebook page at the end of Day 1, and then I shared the post with a couple of ham radio-related Facebook groups. Ultimately, the post was shared a total of 18 times, reaching a total of 6,265 people, as of July 15. Continue reading “President’s Message”