Severe Geomagnetic and Ionospheric Storms

We’re seeing intense solar activity with very large solar flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) . The intense solar activity has caused severe geomagnetic and ionospheric storms here on Earth. It appears that this activity could last another couple of days. For a little insight as to why you are not hearing much on your HF radio, Ken Larson-KJ6RZ has written an article explaining the most intense solar storm since January 2005.

Here’s a link to Ken’s article.

A Backpack Portable 20-Meter Zepp Antenna

CVARC member Charlie Richards – KN6CX wrote an article on his portable 20-meter Zepp antenna for the March issue of QST Magazine. For space considerations, the QST editors trimmed some information from Charlie’s article including some background on the Zepp antenna and some of the theory on how it operates. Charlie sent along his full version of the article which we have added to the Technical Articles on this website. It’s a great read, here’s a quick link to Charlie’s article.

CVARC 2023 Field Day Interference Checklist

Bill Willcox-KF6JQO has revised his very useful Field Day Interference Checklist for 2023. The list offers a number of tips and best practices for minimizing interference with your Field Day setup. Of course, these suggestions can be very helpful for your own shack if you are having RF problems. You can view the checklist here or on this website at Links/Technical Articles/Anti-Interference Checklist.

Determined Sleuth Solves Field Day Inter-Band Interference

By Bill Willcox-KF6JQO

During the last three or so ARRL Field Day events the phone stations have been plagued by interference between the 10 and 15M bands, and to a lesser extent the 20M band as well. 

The transceivers for all three bands were within 10-20 feet of each other and all three fed individual band pass filters by means of lengthy coaxial cables.  The band pass filters then fed a multiplexer that in turn fed a multi-band hex beam antenna by means of a single coaxial cable equipped with a choke at the antenna.  Note: the band pass filters and multiplexer were all mounted on the same aluminum base plate in a plastic box.

Continue reading “Determined Sleuth Solves Field Day Inter-Band Interference”

A Cost-Effective Way to Add Another Band to Your Bag of Tricks

An easy way to add transmit and receive coverage on frequency bands not included on your base radio is to use a transverter. This feather-light 28 MHz (10 meter) to 222 MHz (135 cm) transverter puts out about 10 watts of SSB, FM, CW, or FT-8 and easily mates up with the Yaesu FT-817 HF transceiver. It costs about $70 from a supplier in Ukraine.
By Pete Heins-N6ZE

A cost-effective way to increase the number of bands a ham can access is to use a transverter. Imagine adding the capability of using FM, SSB, Packet, and FT-8, at a power level of 10 watts, on a frequency band which you have never had before – for just $70!

Continue reading “A Cost-Effective Way to Add Another Band to Your Bag of Tricks”

The Solar Cycle and HF Radio Communications

Remember this? We might see a similar solar maximum by 2025!

Members have been asking to take a closer look at the presentation made at the last meeting by Ken Larson-KJ6RZ on the solar cycle and its impact on HF radio communications. You can view his presentation by clicking here or you can find it anytime by clicking “Links” and then selecting the “Technical Articles” drop-down.