February Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting will be held on Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 7:30 P.M. at the East County Sheriff’s Station.

Paul Ewing-N6PSE

Topic: DXpedition: Paul Ewing-N6PSE is the founder of the Intrepid DX Group and has organized and participated in eight DXpeditions to very rare DX and exotic locations around the world, including Northern Iraq, South Sudan, and Yemen. Paul will discuss his visit to North Korea and how he got and lost permission for a DXpedition.

Special note: if you can’t attend the meeting at the Sheriff’s station you can still participate via ZOOM, details below.

Continue reading “February Club Meeting”

January Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting will be held on Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 7:30 P.M. at the East County Sheriff’s Station.

Gary Bostrup-KM6DMM

Topic: James Webb Space Telescope: Most of us are enjoying the spectacular images coming from the new James Webb Space Telescope. CVARC member Gary Bostrup-KM6DMM has been involved with the landmark project, working on the sensors that are collecting those precious photons. Gary will be talking about how those amazing images are created and how radio is used to control the spacecraft and send data back to earth.

Special note: if you can’t attend the meeting at the Sheriff’s station you can still participate via ZOOM, details below.

Continue reading “January Club Meeting”

November Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting will be held on Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 7:30 P.M. at the East County Sheriff’s Station.

Carlos Felix-KD9OLN

Topic: Parachute Mobile – When was the last time you worked 146.520 from 14,500 feet? How about while floating down to earth under a parachute? We’ll meet Carlos Felix-KD9OLN who takes his radio on jumps and has made 2m, 10m, and 20m contacts on the way down.

Special note: if you can’t attend the meeting at the Sheriff’s station you can still participate via ZOOM, details below.

Continue reading “November Club Meeting”

October Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting will be held on Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 7:30 P.M. at the East County Sheriff’s Station.

Ken Larson-KJ6RZ

Topic: Update on the progress of Solar Cycle 25 – Solar Cycle 25 is anticipated to peak with solar maximum occurring between 2023 and 2026. Ken Larson-KJ6RZ discusses where we are in the current solar cycle, implications of what appears to be happening, and what we can expect going forward. The talk also discusses a few of the propagation problems that we can expect , what causes them, and to some extent how we can work around them..

Special note: if you can’t attend the meeting at the Sheriff’s station you can still participate via ZOOM, details below.

Continue reading “October Club Meeting”

September Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting will be held on Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 7:30 P.M. at the East County Sheriff’s Station.

Rick Tate-KQ6NO

Topic: K-4 Technology: ARRL Santa Barbara Section Emergency Coordinator Rick Tate-KQ6NO will demonstrate the Elecraft K-4 and discuss how its direct-sampling technology works. Not long ago, this technology was only found at the very top of the market, but radios such as the Yaesu FT-991A and Icom IC-7300 are a sign that before long this technology will be standard for all HF radios.

Continue reading “September Club Meeting”

July Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting will be held on Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. at the East County Sheriff’s Station.

Topic – Go Kits: At least four approaches to mobile operation – go-kits -will be set up and displayed and the advantages of each will be discussed.

Special note: if you can’t attend the meeting at the Sheriff’s station you can still participate via ZOOM, details below.

Members gather as early at 7:00 p.m. to socialize.

The East County Sheriff Station is located at 2101 E. Olsen Road in Thousand Oaks.

Continue reading “July Club Meeting”

June Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting will be held on Thursday, June 16, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. at the East County Sheriff’s Station.

Bill Boyd

Topic – Emergency Preparedness: Bill Boyd, Emergency Manager with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services discusses vital information in a year of unprecedented wildfire risk:  emergency preparedness and communication in Ventura County.  

Special note: if you can’t attend the meeting at the Sheriff’s station you can still participate via ZOOM, details below.

Continue reading “June Club Meeting”

Technician Licensing Classes

We’re holding another 4-week course preparing for the FCC Amateur Radio Operator’s License, Technician Level on March 5, March 12, March 19 and March 26. The classes will be held on Zoom from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon each day. A textbook and some study before the first class is required.

There is no cost for the course, which will be taught once again by Zak Cohen-N6PK with help from Keith Elliott-W6KME. Testing will be offered by CVARC on April 10th in-person, conditions permitting. There are many options for online testing as well. Finally, a chance to get your significant others, co-workers and friends into amateur radio! Contact w6kme@CVARC.org for information or signups.

February Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom. Details on how to access the meeting are below.

Tim Duffy-K3LR

Topic Grounding and Bonding: Proper station grounding is important. Tim Duffy-K3LR, CEO of DX Engineering will discuss ways to make sure your station is built using effective grounding and bonding techniques.

Continue reading “February Club Meeting”