January Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software. Details on how to access the meeting are below.

“Dr. Jack” Nilsson-N8NDL

Topic COMPACtenna: “Dr. Jack” Nilsson-N8NDL is an inventor of revolutionary antenna science and technology. His various designs are used by many entities including such as the US Secret Service, Washington DC Homeland Security, the Cleveland Clinic Mobile Stroke Ambulance, diverse WiFi and cell phone networks, public service agencies, and ham radio operators. Dr. Nilsson’s  presentation covers his patented small, yet powerful COMPACtenna antennas.

Continue reading “January Club Meeting”

October Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software. Details on how to access the meeting are below.

Jason Oleham-KM4ACK

Topic Raspberry Pi For Ham Radio: Jason Oleham-KM4ACK is a fan of the Raspberry Pi – that amazing open-source, single-board computer that’s being incorporated in many ham projects.  Jason has found the Pi’s size and weight make it ideal for use in portable operation needed for his ham radio passion, emergency communication. 

Continue reading “October Club Meeting”

September Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, September 16, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software. Details on how to access the meeting are below.

Clint Bradford-K6LCS

Topic How to Work Amateur Satellites With Your HT: Clint Bradford-K6LCS will explain how you do not need 100W of transmit power or expensive antenna arrays to work the FM amateur satellites. Many hams already have the necessary equipment to “work the birds.” His presentation will walk you through A the steps needed to successfully work several ham satellites.

Continue reading “September Club Meeting”

Technician License Classes Set for September

Instructor Zak Cohen-N6PK

Because so many people have been asking, we’re having a second Technician’s License class this year. It will be on Zoom again, starting the last Sunday in August with a short orientation meeting, then four Sunday afternoons in September. We’ll be using the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual 4th Edition (Technician Level) https://www.arrl.org/shop/Ham-Radio-License-Manual/ which is available from the ARRL as well as other sellers.

Continue reading “Technician License Classes Set for September”

President’s Message

Field Day:  This year we were back in person!  I hope you got a chance to come out to this year’s Field Day site.  It was a fun event and great to see everyone.  We had several visitors; Sheriff Ayub, our new Thousand Oaks Commander, Thousand Oaks Mayor, Claude Bill-de la Pena, Dick Norton, ARRL Southwest Director, to name a few.  We had our annual BBQ which was fabulous and prepared by our own Mike Felio.  On behalf of the club, thank you Mike for all your hard work, it was a great success!

Meeting Location Details: We have not been given the green light to return to the Sheriff’s Station yet, so we will be continuing our meetings via Zoom until further notice. 

Continue reading “President’s Message”

July Club Meeting

Warren Wegerer-K6WKW

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software. Details on how to access the meeting are below.

Topic – The Nano-VNA: What is it, what does it do, and why do you want one? Warren Wegerer-K6WKW will introduce the Nano-VNA. This little tool is versatile and surprising. Some practical examples will be provided.

Continue reading “July Club Meeting”

Saturday Morning Radio School: Mesh

This week’s Saturday Morning Radio School begins at 10 A.M. on Zoom.

June 5th: Mesh: Orv Beach-WB6I will give an introduction to mesh. Orv has been messing around with ham radio networking for almost six years.  In this class he’ll show you what it’s all about, how to get started and what’s available on the network in Ventura County

Here are the Zoom meeting details:

Direct Link: https://zoom.us/j/91055491273?pwd=M3dzYS85RlU4TndGc2d0UjA1dFNvUT09

Meeting Number: 910 5549 1273

Password: jaCC2H

Contact: Keith Elliott at W6KME@CVARC.org

Saturday Morning Radio School: Telegraphy and CW History

This week’s Saturday Morning Radio School begins at 10 A.M. on Zoom.

May 29th: Telegraphy and CW History with Norm Campbell-AB6ET. Dig into the roots of modern CW and you find the foundation of nearly everything in radio, TV and the telephone system. Norm will show us his impressive collection of antique equipment and will walk us through the early history.

Here are the Zoom meeting details:

Direct Link: https://zoom.us/j/91055491273?pwd=M3dzYS85RlU4TndGc2d0UjA1dFNvUT09

Meeting Number: 910 5549 1273

Password: jaCC2H

Contact: Keith Elliott at W6KME@CVARC.org

Saturday Morning Radio School: FT8 Power User Clinic

This week’s Saturday Morning Radio School begins at 10 A.M. on Zoom.

May 22nd: FT8 Power User Clinic with Keith Elliott-W6KME. FT8 is often said to be impersonal and repetitive, and it is, until you really learn how to get the most out of it. We’ll also cover companion apps like GridTracker that open up a whole new world.

Here are the Zoom meeting details:

Direct Link: https://zoom.us/j/91055491273?pwd=M3dzYS85RlU4TndGc2d0UjA1dFNvUT09

Meeting Number: 910 5549 1273

Password: jaCC2H

Contact: Keith Elliott at W6KME@CVARC.org

Saturday Morning Radio School: Using HF Filters

This week’s Saturday Morning Radio School begins at 10 A.M. on Zoom.

May 15th: Using HF Filters with Stu Sheldon-AG6AG. The filters in our HF rigs are powerful tools that are usually overlooked or ignored-let’s clear out the mystery and see how easy it is to get more QSOs.

Here are the Zoom meeting details:

Direct Link: https://zoom.us/j/91055491273?pwd=M3dzYS85RlU4TndGc2d0UjA1dFNvUT09

Meeting Number: 910 5549 1273

Password: jaCC2H

Contact: Keith Elliott at W6KME@CVARC.org