February Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting will be held on Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 7:30 P.M. at the East County Sheriff’s Station.

Paul Ewing-N6PSE

Topic: DXpedition: Paul Ewing-N6PSE is the founder of the Intrepid DX Group and has organized and participated in eight DXpeditions to very rare DX and exotic locations around the world, including Northern Iraq, South Sudan, and Yemen. Paul will discuss his visit to North Korea and how he got and lost permission for a DXpedition.

Special note: if you can’t attend the meeting at the Sheriff’s station you can still participate via ZOOM, details below.

Continue reading “February Club Meeting”

President’s Message

Happy New Year CVARC members, families, and guests!

Ed Zimmermann-N6XEW

WOW! January 2023.  Seems like only yesterday I was elected as 2022 CVARC President. It has been an amazing year. And I am looking forward to a year of new club activities. We held our first antenna build project in three years last October. Thank you, Nathan Eng-W6EN for putting that together. I think a few more builds will need to be added to the calendar for 2023.

Continue reading “President’s Message”

ARRL 10m Contest Results

Several CVARC members participated in the ARRL 10m contest held Dec 10-11, 2022. Band conditions were favorable with lots of activity on both CW and voice portions of the band.

  • Nick Blackwell-KC0MQE made 6 QSOs into the upper Midwest.  He noted a great window into MN, IL and WI and could easily be heard running 100 watts.
  • Craig Grimm-KD6NFD made 115 QSOs with 41 states and countries. He noted a brief opening to the upper east coast including NY, MD, RI, and ME that lasted less than 30 minutes.
  • James Smith-KK6YAM used the contest as an opportunity to test out his setup and made a QSO with another station in California.
  • Pete Heins-N6ZE made 28 QSOs with 15 states and countries including CA, IL, KY, MN, LA, WI, TN, FL, GA, SC, NC, Japan, Australia, and Brazil. He ran an Icom IC-756 running 90 watts into a Cushcraft R5 vertical antenna.

Mark your calendars for the CVARC Winter Field Day on January 28.  There will be lots of activity on all the bands and a great chance to make contacts, practice your skills and learn from others. See you at the park! 

January Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting will be held on Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 7:30 P.M. at the East County Sheriff’s Station.

Gary Bostrup-KM6DMM

Topic: James Webb Space Telescope: Most of us are enjoying the spectacular images coming from the new James Webb Space Telescope. CVARC member Gary Bostrup-KM6DMM has been involved with the landmark project, working on the sensors that are collecting those precious photons. Gary will be talking about how those amazing images are created and how radio is used to control the spacecraft and send data back to earth.

Special note: if you can’t attend the meeting at the Sheriff’s station you can still participate via ZOOM, details below.

Continue reading “January Club Meeting”

W6KME 2022 Hugh Bosma Legacy Award Winner

Keith Elliott-W6KME being presented the award by CVARC President Ed Zimmermann-N6XEW

Keith Elliott-W6KME has been selected by the CVARC Board of Directors as the recipient of the 2022 Hugh Bosma Legacy Award. Keith was recognized for his contributions in leading CVARC’s education efforts.

The Bosma Award is awarded in memory of Hugh Bosma-AE6YC, SK and his commitment to teaching, mentoring and community service.

The award is presented annually to the ham who best perpetuates Hugh’s legacy through their contributions to CVARC and amateur radio.

W6KME is the eighth winner of the Bosma Award which has been presented since 2015