It’s Not A Contest, But…

…as in baseball, the stats are a fun part of the game.

Field Day results are out!

This year we scored 26% more points than last year!  This was in no small part due to our emphasis this year on outreach with things such as educational activities, youth involvement, supported agency involvement, elected officials’ involvement, and promoting amateur radio to the wider public.  Aside from enjoying ourselves, and having a great barbecue, these were the aspects of FD that we stressed and which also, incidentally, accrued points and account for this year’s higher score. 

Continue reading “It’s Not A Contest, But…”

CVARC 2023 Board of Directors Selected

The 2023 CVARC Board of Directors was approved by members attending the November 17th General Meeting. Board members serve a one-year term beginning January 1, 2023.

President: Ed Zimmermann-N6XEW

Vice President: Daphne Vandervalk-KN6TXX

Secretary: Craig Grimm-KN6NFD

Treasurer: Christian Ylagan-K6CAY

Operations: Martin Hickey-AJ6CL

Technical: James Smith-KK6YAM

Publisher: Andy Ludlum-K6AGL

Social: Mike Felio-K6MJF

Education: Keith Elliott-W6KME

Public Relations: April Taylor-KN6QQW

Member at Large: Phil Bartlett-K6UJO

Member at Large: Zak Cohen-N6PK

Member at Large: Ron Topolinski-K6CPR

Member at Large: Warren Wegerer-K6WKW

President’s Message

Hello CVARC members, families, and guests!

Ed Zimmermann-N6XEW

Wait! It’s November?  What happened to October?  In just a little over a month we have the CVARC Holiday Banquet on December 15th in place of our normal monthly general meeting. If you have not purchased your tickets for this wonderful event, you can do so at the November 17th General Meeting.  There’s more information here. At our November meeting we will be electing our 2023 Board of Directors, please plan on attending. The 2023 Board of Directors is elected by a vote of members attending the meeting.

Continue reading “President’s Message”

Results of the October 9 VE Session

CVARC held a VE session on October 9th. There were six candidates and six new licenses or upgrades were earned, five Technician and one Extra. Those who earned new licenses or upgrades at the session were:

Eric Stalnaker          Technician    KN6WEG

Jack Burgess           Technician    KN6WFZ

Craig Grimm             Extra               KD6NFD

Nick Brandly             Technician   KN6WEA

Kathy Fahey             Technician    KN6WEB

Terrie Biederman   Technician   KN6WEC

Continue reading “Results of the October 9 VE Session”

November Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting will be held on Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 7:30 P.M. at the East County Sheriff’s Station.

Carlos Felix-KD9OLN

Topic: Parachute Mobile – When was the last time you worked 146.520 from 14,500 feet? How about while floating down to earth under a parachute? We’ll meet Carlos Felix-KD9OLN who takes his radio on jumps and has made 2m, 10m, and 20m contacts on the way down.

Special note: if you can’t attend the meeting at the Sheriff’s station you can still participate via ZOOM, details below.

Continue reading “November Club Meeting”

President’s Message

Hello CVARC members, families, and guests!

Ed Zimmermann-N6XEW

Where has 2022 gone!  I cannot believe how quickly 2023 is coming at us. And with that we have the CVARC Holiday Party on December 15th. The event will begin at 6:00 P.M. at the Best Western Posada Royale, 1775 Madera Road, Simi Valley. It’s a time to meet and socialize with other members and enjoy some great food. There will be a traditional turkey dinner with all the fixings as well prime rib, and of course desert.  As I understand, you can go back for seconds! We encourage you to attend. Tickets are $30 per person.  As Zak Cohen-N6PK is so very fond of saying, “we need more people!” Reserve your seats now with Zak at There will be two raffles conducted at the party. 

Continue reading “President’s Message”

October Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting will be held on Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 7:30 P.M. at the East County Sheriff’s Station.

Ken Larson-KJ6RZ

Topic: Update on the progress of Solar Cycle 25 – Solar Cycle 25 is anticipated to peak with solar maximum occurring between 2023 and 2026. Ken Larson-KJ6RZ discusses where we are in the current solar cycle, implications of what appears to be happening, and what we can expect going forward. The talk also discusses a few of the propagation problems that we can expect , what causes them, and to some extent how we can work around them..

Special note: if you can’t attend the meeting at the Sheriff’s station you can still participate via ZOOM, details below.

Continue reading “October Club Meeting”

Become a CVARC Board Member

Nominations for the 2023 CVARC Board of Directors will take place at the October and November meetings. Elections will be held at the November meeting.

Being a member of the Board of Directors focuses your membership and club participation to a new level. Talk to any Board member about what is involved. Any Board position is open for nomination and election. Some current Board members intend to run again. Elected Board positions and duties are for one year, January through December.

There will be more discussion about elections at the club meetings. Positions and complete duties are listed in the club by-laws.

Continue reading “Become a CVARC Board Member”