President’s Message

Hello CVARC members, families, and guests!

Ed Zimmermann-N6XEW

Woah, it has been a hot week. Stay out of the sun, stay hydrated and be prepared for flex alerts and grid and equipment failures.  Where I am in Newbury Park, we have experienced two unscheduled power outages in the past week.  Each outage was greater than 4 hours.

The CVARC General meeting last month was about batteries, solar and emergency power, which was very timely as September is National Preparedness Month. Visit for more detailed information and guides. In the past, Southern Californians have been conditioned to prepare for earthquakes. Well, times have changed and if anything, the last three years have shown us that evacuations due to fires are now a reality. With the aging electrical infrastructure and greater demand, power outages are becoming more common.  

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Results of the August 14 VE Session

CVARC held a VE session on August 14th. There were six candidates and six new licenses or upgrades were earned, two Technician and four General. Those who earned new licenses or upgrades at the session were:

Richard MooreGeneralKN6RCC
Casey CryerGeneralKJ6GSV
Archie HuertoGeneralKN6UUG
Max CarlisleTechnicianKN6VNE
Mazen ZaiyaTechnicianKN6VNF
Eric PedersonGeneralKN6SZZ

CVARC conducts exams on the second Sunday of each even-numbered month. The next session is scheduled for Sunday, October 9, 2022, at 8:30 A.M. at the East County Sheriff’s Station. All applicants must preregister.  No walk-ins will be admitted. To register, or if you have questions, please contact Andy Ludlum at 818-370-3402.  (

Continue reading “Results of the August 14 VE Session”

September Club Meeting

The next regular club meeting will be held on Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 7:30 P.M. at the East County Sheriff’s Station.

Rick Tate-KQ6NO

Topic: K-4 Technology: ARRL Santa Barbara Section Emergency Coordinator Rick Tate-KQ6NO will demonstrate the Elecraft K-4 and discuss how its direct-sampling technology works. Not long ago, this technology was only found at the very top of the market, but radios such as the Yaesu FT-991A and Icom IC-7300 are a sign that before long this technology will be standard for all HF radios.

Continue reading “September Club Meeting”

2022 Technician License Class to Be Held in September


CVARC is holding another 4-week course preparing for the FCC Amateur Radio Operator’s License, Technician Level on Saturdays, September 3, 10, 17, 24 from 8:00 AM to Noon.

There is no fee for the class, but a book is required, the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual 5th Edition, available from the ARRL or sellers like Amazon. Be sure to get the 5th edition, since it went into effect this year and older editions are no longer current. There are no other requirements for the class, just the ability to show up! To sign up, contact Keith Elliott-W6KME at

Testing will be offered by CVARC on October 9th.

All four sessions will be held in the Community Room, East County Sheriff’s Station. 2101 East Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks, CA

President’s Message

Hello CVARC members, families, and guests!

Ed Zimmermann-N6XEW

The CVARC General meeting last month was awesome! It was about go kits, we had no less than 15 go kits on display. It was great to see all the different kits and talk to the builders.
Thank you to all who brought in your builds.

At our August 18th CVARC General Meeting at the East County Sheriff Station, the topic will be Emergency Backup Power. A panel will discuss several approaches to emergency power including home-brew solar/battery set ups, UPS, and other power storage and generation systems. If your E-power is mobile, bring it to the meeting. It is going to be an interesting discussion. I will be bringing my portable 1700 Wh home brew battery power and describe how I use it both in the home and portable.

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CVARC Picnic Set for September 4th

The 2022 CVARC Picnic will be held on September 4th from 11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. at Dos Vientos Park located at 4801 Borchard Road in Newbury Park.

Our grill master Mike Felio-K6MJF in action.

CVARC will provide burgers, hot dogs and buns.  Mike Felio-K6MJF, our Social Coordinator, will do the grilling. We will bring everything else “pot-luck style.”  Bring your favorite picnic-style dish!

A link to a spreadsheet to sign up for different picnic-style food items is posted below.  Copy and paste it into the address bar in your browser (clicking on it directly doesn’t always seem to work.)  Let’s keep track, so we don’t get overloaded in any particular item and totally devoid of another.  Put your name and call sign in the row of the item you intend to bring:

See you at the park!

Martin Hickey-AJ6CL CVARC OPS

President’s Message

Hello CVARC members, families, and guests!

N6XEW in action on Field Day.

It’s now July, I have seen my first June bug!  CVARC Field Day 2022 at Lake Sherwood, Saturday and Sunday June 25-26, was well attended by our local officials, guests and many members. Propagation was memorable, it was non-existent. Regardless, a great time was had by all and a special thanks to Mike Felio-K6MJF, Kat Hunley-KK6VQN, Robert Hunley-KK6VQO and Bill Wilcox-KF6JQO, for a most excellent BBQ.  It was a feast for the record books. A big thank you to all who worked behind the scenes to get it all setup and torn down! To Gary Bostrup-KM6DMM, who secured our site, and of course, Martin Hickey-AJ6CL whose excellent work kept us all moving in the same direction. Martin, thank you!

Continue reading “President’s Message”