Technician License Classes Set for September

Instructor Zak Cohen-N6PK

Because so many people have been asking, we’re having a second Technician’s License class this year. It will be on Zoom again, starting the last Sunday in August with a short orientation meeting, then four Sunday afternoons in September. We’ll be using the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual 4th Edition (Technician Level) which is available from the ARRL as well as other sellers.

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August Club Meeting

Stu Sheldon-AG6AG

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software. Details on how to access the meeting are below.

Topic “I’ve Just Upgraded to General, Now What?” Building on his “I Just Got My Amateur Radio License, Now What?” talk, Stuart Sheldon-AG6AG attempts to answer the questions that every new HF operator has. This presentation covers things like choosing the right antenna, to proper monitoring of equipment while operating.

Continue reading “August Club Meeting”

President’s Message

Field Day:  This year we were back in person!  I hope you got a chance to come out to this year’s Field Day site.  It was a fun event and great to see everyone.  We had several visitors; Sheriff Ayub, our new Thousand Oaks Commander, Thousand Oaks Mayor, Claude Bill-de la Pena, Dick Norton, ARRL Southwest Director, to name a few.  We had our annual BBQ which was fabulous and prepared by our own Mike Felio.  On behalf of the club, thank you Mike for all your hard work, it was a great success!

Meeting Location Details: We have not been given the green light to return to the Sheriff’s Station yet, so we will be continuing our meetings via Zoom until further notice. 

Continue reading “President’s Message”

July Club Meeting

Warren Wegerer-K6WKW

The next regular club meeting on Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing software. Details on how to access the meeting are below.

Topic – The Nano-VNA: What is it, what does it do, and why do you want one? Warren Wegerer-K6WKW will introduce the Nano-VNA. This little tool is versatile and surprising. Some practical examples will be provided.

Continue reading “July Club Meeting”

Order Your Field Day BBQ Tickets Now

There will be a BBQ during CVARC’s annual Field Day event on Saturday, June 26 at 5 P.M.

The cost of a ticket is $16.  Please mail your checks to the club’s P.O. box:

Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club

P.O. Box 2093

Thousand Oaks, CA 91358-2093

If you have the Venmo app on your smart phone, you can send payment directly to CVARC with no fees.

Just look for Christian Ylagan’s email address and send the payment. It will go directly into the club’s checking account.

Your prompt response helps us plan on how much food to buy.

President’s Message

Brad Ormsby-W6VO

With the passing of our President, Brett Price KM6VFW-SK we mourn the loss of a great leader of our club and a friend to all of us.  It reminds us to make the best of every day and enjoy life to the fullest.

Our Next Club Meeting, June 17th  at 7:00 p.m. We will have Dr. Tamitha Skov-WX6SWW known as the Space Weather Woman talk to us about Cycle 25 and how technology like our cell phones, GPS (GNSS), and other Satellite services are susceptible to the effects of space weather.  You don’t want to miss this program.  Please click here for more details.

Continue reading “President’s Message”